
Golden Blessing: Dingheng Liantou chemtanker


In the early hours of 28 June, pirates took control of the MV Golden Blessing approximately 90 nautical miles off the northern Somali coast. On notification from the Master of the MV Golden Blessing that pirates were on board, the EU NAVFOR German warship Schleswig-Holstein immediately launched their helicopter and reported sighting suspected pirates on board the MV Golden Blessing.

The MV Golden Blessing, a Singapore flagged tanker with deadweight of 14445 tonnes, was carrying a cargo of glycoethelene. The MV Golden Blessing has a crew of 19 Chinese; there are no reports of injuries. The vessel is under pirate control and is now moving towards the Somali Coast. EU NAVFOR is monitoring.

housing glycol ethylene on board. It remains unclear if glycol ethylene was the object of desire for the Somali pirates. The poison is used in antifreezing processes.

Mr.Li Duozhu, main founder of Dingheng Group, graduated from Shanghai Maritime College (now named as Shanghai Maritime University), majoring in Marine Management, Bachelor Degree. It is his belief that the traditional Chinese culture, joined with the western institutionalized management, could form a strong competitiveness and lead the Chinese enterprises to be big roles in the global market. A new stage of industrial revolution may come in thirty years, when China is to be the world's economic power and it will be a time for the Chinese pattern in business management to replace the Western pattern.Golden Pacific International Holdings owns the Golden Blessing; it was being chartered by Shanghai Dingheng Shipping Co. Ltd. [Shanghai Dingheng Liantou Investment Co., Ltd.]

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