approximately 350 nautical miles East of Masirah (Oman) in the North Arabian Sea, having sent out a distress signal, saying she was under attack, February 12, USN aircraft photographed 2 suspected pirate skiffs on board the vessel, now headed for the Somali coast.
9274941 SININ 9HOD8 Bulker 52466 2005 Malta
Sinin (Ex: Laurinda) 52,466 DWT, Bulk Carrier, Built 2005
Owners/Managers are Irano-Hind Shpg. Co., Built at Tsuneishi Cebu, Malta Flagged, BV Classed, Length Overall of 189.99 m., Length Between Perpendiculars of 182.87 m., Draught of 12.02 m., Beam of 32.26 m., Gross Tonnage of 30,064, B. & W. Engine, Speed of 14.50 kts at 28.50 tonnes per day, Heavy Fuel Oil, Horsepower of 10,600B at 116, Bunker Capacity of 2,386 tonnes.
Owner/Manager Details
Irano-Hind Shipping Co. Ltd.
Specialised Details
Grain Capacity of 67,756 cu.m., Fore & aft hatches, Hydraulically operated, 5 Holds, 5 Hatches, 4 Crane(s) with a safe working load of 30 tonnes.
Additional information
IDENTIFICATION: Exname is Laurinda. Handymax Bulker, Call Sign 9HOD8, IMO Number 9274941. DIMENSIONS/TONNAGES: Moulded Depth of 17.00 m., Tonnage of 24,910 Panama Canal Net, 28,402 Suez Canal Net, 17,927 International Net and 51,637 Dwt (long). ENGINE DETAILS: Engine Description 2 S.A. 6-cyl., Engine Model 6S50MC, 1 fixed pitch Propellor. CARGO HANDLING: Bale Capacity of 65,601 cu.m. SAFETY AND OTHER DETAILS: Last known special survey in May 2005, Ballast Capacity of 15,407 tonnes.
Jun 12, 2002:- The Shipping Corporation of India will continue to be a partner with the Iranian government in the Irano Hind Shipping Co after disinvestment.
According to senior officials, New Delhi has conveyed to Teheran that it stands committed to the joint venture even after its privatisation which is expected to take place by next month.
SCI has a 49 per cent equity holding in the joint venture company which has a majority holding by the state-owned Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines.
Sources said the reassurance to the Iranian government has been informally conveyed since the joint venture was conceived as a government-to-government partnership way back in 1974.
The government has decided to offload 51 per cent equity in SCI in favour of a strategic partner while at the same time passing off 3.12 per cent shares to the employees. The government currently holds 80.12 per cent stake in the public sector shipping giant.
Iran o Hind Shipping Company
Also Known As:
Keshtirani Iran Ve Hend Sahami Khass
Irano Hind Shipping Company
Iranohind Shipping Company (PJS)
Iran and India Shipping Company
Iran Hind Shipping Company
Irano Hind
Irano Hind Shiping Co. (P.J.S)
Irano-hind Shipping Company
Irano-hind Shipping Co
Iran and India Shipping Co.
Iranohind Shipping Co.
Keshtirani Iran Ve Hend Sahami Khass
Iran O Hand Shipping Co.
IranoHind Shipping Co. Ltd.
Subsidiary of Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL - see separate entity record); listed in Annex III of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1929 of June 9, 2010, requiring states to freeze its assets within their territories and to prevent assets from being made available to it (with some exceptions); on September 10, 2008, added to the Specially Designated National (SDN) list maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), freezing its assets under U.S. jurisdiction and prohibiting transactions with U.S. parties, pursuant to Executive Order 13382, which targets proliferators of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their delivery systems; according to the U.S. Department of the Treasury, IRISL and affiliates provide logistical services to Iran's Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL - see separate entity record); owns six oceangoing vessels transporting crude oil and bulk and general cargo; subsidiaries include ISI Maritime Limited and Jaladhi Shipping Services (India) Private Limited; other subsidiaries reportedly include BIIS Maritime, Imir Ltd., and Isim Atr Ltd.; established as a joint venture between IRISL (51 percent) and Shipping Corporation of India-SCI (49 percent); reportedly established in 1975; commercial director is Ardasheer Yousefi.