1. It looks like the Russian Prosecutor's Office has decided to talk to me through media. Can answer their q-s in Twitter, more modern.

Hope is not a plan: the war in Iraq from inside the Green Zone
By Thomas S. Mowle 2007
Office of the Secretary of Defense, Developing Iraq’s
Security Sector
The Coalition Provisional
Authority’s Experience
This report would not have been possible without the help of numerous
individuals. At RAND, Tom Sullivan provided invaluable statistical
support. Nora Bensahel, David Gompert, Walter Slocombe, and
Ambassador Richard Jones provided frank and insightful reviews,
which greatly improved the report.
During the preparation of this report, former and serving coalition
officials gave generously of their time to check facts and to provide
their interpretation of decisions and events. We are particularly
grateful to Fred Smith, Bruce Fein, Douglas Brand, Matt Sherman,
Celeste Johnson Ward, P.J. Dermer, and Eerik Kross.
Estonia's diplomatic representatives to the United Kingdom:
Kaja Tael, Ambassador (2001–2006)
Raul Mälk, Ambassador (1996-2001)
Riivo Sinijärv, Ambassador (1993-1995)
Allan Sepp, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. (1992-1993)
Eerik Niiles Kross, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. (1991-1992).
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