Pòdcasts de temàtica marítima
9 months ago
Flags of Convenience: The largest shipping registries are Panama, Liberia, Greece, Marshall Islands and the Bahamas, Approximately 6,300 sail under the Panamanian flag, making Panama the largest. The Greek-controlled fleet is at almost 90 million gross tons. The Marshall Islands is fourth with 1, 500 vessels and 37 million tons. Bahamas has 1,500 vessels at 27 million tons. Other significant flags include Cyprus and Malta
Of all the ships paid ransom, what was the source bank, how many banks the payment crossed.
It is the transaction from the source to the destination bank that counts, if they want to tackle piracy. The end doesnt count.
The P & I Club/ insurance pays, usually. The cash is dropped in plastic to the pirates. This is quickly spent in 'arms length' 'good faith' transactions for homes, etc. Eventually, it will end up in bank accounts with 'no connection' to piracy. The Club pays intermediaries fees to carry out negotiations and traditionally they are not prosecuted for fear of drying up contacts.
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